The one great element in continuing the success of an offensive is maintaining the momentum.
~ George C. Marshall
The one great element in continuing the success of an offensive is maintaining the momentum.
~ George C. Marshall
Whenever men are not obliged to fight from necessity, they fight from ambition; which is so powerful in human breasts, that it never leaves them no matter to what rank they rise.
~ Niccolò Machiavelli
The technological progress we make in the next 100 years will be far larger than all we’ve made since we first controlled fire and invented the wheel. We have already built AI systems that can learn and do useful things. They are still primitive, but the trendlines are clear.
~ Sam Altman
In every war zone that I’ve been in, there has been a reality and then there has been the public perception of why the war was being fought.
~ John le Carré
Woodrow Wilson was the first world leader to perceive security as a benefit that could be shared by like-minded nations. Until then, each great power had clambered over others to field bigger armies, float bigger navies, and accumulate more colonies. This competition had culminated in the disastrous outbreak of the Great War. Wilson glimpsed the possibility of a different way: that shared values might provide a more stable basis for peace among advanced nations than the quest for military dominance.
~ David Frum via The Atlantic
Agreeable as it is to know where one is proceeding, it is far more important to know where one has arrived.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
Is there anything more satisfying than watching a debate in which the sophist gets defenestrated by someone smarter, better prepared, and obviously right?
~ Caitlin Flanagan via The Atlantic
The Toronto Maple Leafs last won the Stanley Cup on this day – May 2nd – in 1967.
Every extreme attitude is a flight from the self.
~ Eric Hoffer
Is it the apocalyptic state of the world? Is it the internet’s endless archives? Is it a failure of corporate investment in the new? Or is it the fact that hazy, nostalgic music works well as a streaming bait, creating a dreamy backdrop for all manner of uses? The truth is that all of these factors have combined to create a distinctly contemporary reality of time-related confusion and slippage.
~ Spencer Kornhaber via The Atlantic