Video directed by Derek Burbridge. Shot on location in London, England, inside and near the Lyceum Theatre.
Video directed by Derek Burbridge. Shot on location in London, England, inside and near the Lyceum Theatre.
Annie Jacobsen — the American writer — was born on June 28, 1967 in Middletown, Connecticut.
She is the author of a number of aclaimed books including Operation Paperclip, Area 51, The Pentagon’s Brain, and Nuclear War: A Scenario.
The E. J. Ourso College of Business at Louisiana State University was founded on this day – June 11, 1928.
Sex cannot be separated from the malignancy of the social structures that surround it.
~ Alexandra Kleeman via The New York Times
Civilization is an enormous device for economizing on knowledge.
~ Thomas Sowell
When one has once accepted and absorbed evil, it no longer demands to be believed.
~ Franz Kafka