Civilization is an enormous device for economizing on knowledge.
~ Thomas Sowell
Civilization is an enormous device for economizing on knowledge.
~ Thomas Sowell
When one has once accepted and absorbed evil, it no longer demands to be believed.
~ Franz Kafka
The first GSM model of the iPhone 4 was released today – June 24 – in 2010.
The compulsive overachievement of today’s elite college students – the sense that they need to keep running as fast as they can – is not the only thing that keeps them from forming the deeper relationships that might relieve their anguish. Something more insidious is operating, too: a resistance to vulnerability, a fear of looking like the only one who isn’t capable of handling the pressure.
~ William Deresiewicz
A politician’s words reveal less about what he thinks about his subject than what he thinks about his audience.
~ George Will
It is only because the majority opinion will always be opposed by some that our knowledge and understanding progress.
~ Friedrich Hayek
I knew it wasn’t too important, but it made me sad anyway.
~ J.D. Salinger
Building on a Confucian tradition of respect for knowledge, a century-old tradition of university building and a ton of newfound wealth, over the past 20 years China has been steadily building a set of institutions to take on the United States for scientific leadership. But does it have the money, talent and recipe for governance required to achieve this goal?
~ Alex Usher via The World of Higher Education Podcast