Every expression of human mental life can be understood as a kind of language, and this understanding, in the manner of a true method, everywhere raises new questions.
― Walter Benjamin
Every expression of human mental life can be understood as a kind of language, and this understanding, in the manner of a true method, everywhere raises new questions.
― Walter Benjamin
The image of Trump, bloody with a raised fist, is destined to adorn T-shirts, magazine covers, full-page spreads in history books, campaign ads. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that the photo is nearly perfect, one that was captured under extreme duress and that distills the essence of a man in all his contradictions.
~ Tyler Austin Harper via The Atlantic
We have confused a symptom—educational inequality—with the underlying disease: economic inequality. Schooling may boost the prospects of individual workers, but it doesn’t change the core problem, which is that the bottom 90 percent is divvying up a shrinking share of the national wealth. Fixing that problem will require wealthy people to not merely give more, but take less.
~ Nick Hanauer via The Atlantic
Professors and rhetoricians find a system for every contingency and a principle for every chance.
~ Benjamin Disraeli