Quote, Unquote

A Klee painting named Angelus Novus shows an angel looking as though he is about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is how one pictures the angel of history. His face is turned toward the past. Where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage and hurls it in front of his feet.
― Walter Benjamin


Quote, Unquote

It is often difficult for Trump critics to inhabit the mind of one of his supporters, to understand Trump’s appeal without immediately defaulting to simplifications like racism and misogyny, explanations that have become less of a skeleton key and more of a shibboleth, particularly as the former president continues to see his support among minorities swell.
~ Tyler Austin Harper via The Atlantic
