The concept of privacy is a sort of screen to hide the fact that almost none is possible in a social universe.
~ Janet Malcolm
The concept of privacy is a sort of screen to hide the fact that almost none is possible in a social universe.
~ Janet Malcolm
The urge to escape our real self is also an urge to escape the rational and the obvious. The refusal to see ourselves as we are develops a distaste for facts and cold logic.
~ Eric Hoffer
The most perfect constitution of antiquity was without contradiction that of Sparta, and Sparta has not left us a single line of its public law. It justly boasted of having written its laws only in the hearts of its children.
~ Joseph de Maistre
Most ancient pagan belief systems were built around ritual and magic, coercive practices intended to achieve a beneficial result. They centered the self. The revolutionary contribution of monotheism was its insistence that the principal concern of God is, instead, how people treat one another.
~ David Wolpe via The Atlantic
An intellectual hatred is the worst. So let her think opinions are accursed.
~ William Butler Yeats
America’s old republic was born of rebellion against Britain’s more ancient monarchy. Yet, by strange fate, the passage of time has only joined America and Britain more closely together in war and peace.
~ David Frum via The Atlantic