Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them.
~ Jean-Paul Sartre
Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them.
~ Jean-Paul Sartre
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Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche — the German philosopher and cultural critic — was born on this day — October 15, 1844 -– Röcken, Prussia.
He was the author of a number of seminal books including Beyond Good and Evil; Thus Spoke Zarathustra; On the Genealogy of Morals; and, Twilight of the Idols.
If Nature abhors the void, the mind abhors what is meaningless. Show a person an ink-blot, and he will start at once to organise it into a hierarchy of shapes, tentacles, wheels, masks, a dance of figures.
~ Arthur Koestler
There is no doubt that in exchanging a self-centered for a selfless life we gain enormously in self-esteem.
~ Eric Hoffer
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As turning the logs will make a dull fire burn, so change of studies a dull brain.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow