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Colleges have become a little too closely tied to the policy objectives of one of the two political parties.
~ Steven Brint – Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Riverside
via Colleges Wonder if They Will Be ‘the Enemy’ Under Trump
published on November 11, 2024 in the New York Times
We are in an age of politics when every victory is Pyrrhic, because to gain office is to become the very thing—the establishment, the incumbent—that a part of your citizenry will inevitably want to replace. Democrats have been temporarily banished to the wilderness by a counterrevolution, but if the trends of the 21st century hold, then the very anti-incumbent mechanisms that brought them defeat this year will eventually bring them back to power.
~ Derek Thompson
via How Donald Trump Won Everywhere
published by The Atlantic
I’ve been thinking this past week about how the Democratic Party is seen, and it hit me: The Democratic Party resembles that most American of institutions: the HR department.
~ Mike Pesca
via The HR-ification of the Democratic Party
published by The Atlantic on November 12, 2024
The iPhone 12 mini was released today – November 13 – in 2020.
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Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson