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Campus Life at the University of Kansas
www.ku.edu | Wikipedia | LinkedIn | YouTube
[Twitter] @UnivOfKansas
[Instagram] @universityofkansas
[Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/KU/
Campus Life at the University of Kansas
The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.
~ William Gibson
www.st-andrews.ac.uk | Wikipedia
[Twitter] @univofstandrews
[instagram] https://www.instagram.com/uniofstandrews/
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Whenever I’m in the company of capitalist capitalists, I’m reminded of the stark limitations of the symbolic variety. Think of how easily Elon Musk purchased and then destroyed that vanity fair of knowledge workers formerly known as Twitter.
~ Thomas Chatterton Williams
via Is Wokeness One Big Power Grab?
published by The Atlantic
A teacher should never do your thinking for you. She should give you texts to read and guide you along the path of making sense of them for yourself. She should introduce you to the books and essays of writers who disagree with one another and ask you to determine whose case is better.
~ Caitlin Flanagan via The Atlantic