Vietnam was worse than immoral — it was a mistake.
~ Dean Acheson
Vietnam was worse than immoral — it was a mistake.
~ Dean Acheson
The most notable change of these tumultuous years, the ability to spend more time working from home, hasn’t been a cure-all. Something’s still wrong, above and beyond the usual challenges of office life. Everyone’s tired. What started with the Great Resignation has become the Great Exhaustion.
~ Cal Newport via The New Yorker
Whether or not Big Brother is watching us, we certainly have to watch him, which may be even worse.
~ Wilfrid Sheed
Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have.
~ James Baldwin
Jonathan Haidt | Anxiety, Social Media & Moral Decline
Lee Earle “James” Ellroy – the American crime novelist – was born on this day – March 4, 1948 – in Los Angeles.
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