Understanding the simple fact that morality differs around the world, and even within societies, is the first step toward understanding your righteous mind.
~ Jonathan Haidt
Understanding the simple fact that morality differs around the world, and even within societies, is the first step toward understanding your righteous mind.
~ Jonathan Haidt
Success in school is not the same thing as success in life. University administrators in the James Conant mold assumed that people who could earn high grades would continue to excel later in their career.
~ David Brooks
via How the Ivy League Broke America
published by The Atlantic
Crisis? What Crisis? – the fourth studio album released by Supertramp – was released on this day – November 29 – in 1975 by A&M Records.
The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line. The objection to it is not that it is predominantly painful, but that it is lacking in sense.
~ H. L. Mencken
Anonymous surveys of various fields find that roughly 2 percent of scholars will admit to having fabricated, falsified, or modified data at least once in their career. But business-school psychology may be especially prone to misbehavior. For one thing, the field’s research standards are weaker than those for other psychologists. In response to the replication crisis, campus psychology departments have lately taken up a raft of methodological reforms.
~ Daniel Engber
via The Business-School Scandal That Just Keeps Getting Bigger
published in The Atlantic on November 19, 2024
Either every imaginable institution is founded on a religious concept or it is only a passing phenomenon. Institutions are strong and durable to the degree that they are, so to speak, deified.
~ Joseph de Maistre
The third Awokening was smaller and shorter than the others, stretching from the late ’80s to the early ’90s, and repurposing and popularizing the Marxist term political correctness. Its main legacy was to set the stage for the fourth—and present—Awokening, which has been fueled by what the scholar Peter Turchin has termed “elite overproduction.”
~ Thomas Chatterton Williams
via Is Wokeness One Big Power Grab?
published by The Atlantic
‘Tis very certain that each person carries in their eye the exact indication of their rank in the immense scale of humanity, and we are always learning to read it. A complete person should need no auxiliaries to their personal presence.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
All fanaticism springs from the religious impulse.
~ Edmund Cooper
Colleges have become a little too closely tied to the policy objectives of one of the two political parties.
~ Steven Brint – Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Riverside
via Colleges Wonder if They Will Be ‘the Enemy’ Under Trump
published on November 11, 2024 in the New York Times