The desire not to destroy the palace but to move into it oneself has always been the occupational curse of revolutionaries.
~ Wilfrid Sheed
The desire not to destroy the palace but to move into it oneself has always been the occupational curse of revolutionaries.
~ Wilfrid Sheed
By temperament I’m a vagabond and a tramp.
~ William Faulkner
Nobody is interested in following a man who, with his eyes fixed on the ground, spends his life looking for the purse that fortune should put in his path. The one who finds something no matter what it might be, even if his intention were not to search for it, at least arouses our curiosity, if not our admiration.
~ Pablo Picasso
How soon human beings forget what a privilege it is to live in freedom. A privilege, not an honor. An honor would mean we deserved it. We do not.
~ Walter Kirn
Dieter Rams was the first to give products the attention they need to become more than just boxes with functions and even today some of those designs haven’t been bettered.
~ Jasper Morrison
Once wide coercive powers are given to governmental agencies for particular purposes, such powers cannot be effectively controlled by democratic assemblies.
~ Friedrich Hayek
When the modern corporation acquires power over markets, power in the community, power over the state and power over belief, it is a political instrument, different in degree but not in kind from the state itself.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.
~ Lao Zi
For an occurrence to become an adventure, it is necessary and sufficient for one to recount it.
~ Jean-Paul Sartre
If inheritance qualifies one for office, intelligence cannot be a requirement.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith