The values of a society totally preoccupied with making money are not altogether reassuring.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
The values of a society totally preoccupied with making money are not altogether reassuring.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
No one disputes that Bannon is very smart. He sweeps in information quickly, has a file-cabinet memory, can keep multiple tabs open in his brain. It’s how he uses his brain that horrifies people—and I’m talking not just about Democrats, but about many of his former colleagues, who see in him a disordered, nefarious kind of brilliance.
~ Jennifer Senior via The Atlantic
The gradual transformation of a rigidly organized hierarchic system into one where men could at least attempt to shape their own life, where man gained the opportunity of knowing and choosing between different forms of life, is closely associated with the growth of commerce.
~ Friedrich Hayek
It had always been a notion of mine that sanity is like a clearing in the jungle where the humans agree to meet from time to time and behave in certain fixed ways that even a baboon could master, like Englishmen dressing for dinner in the tropics.
~ Wilfrid Sheed
Exile has always served as a powerful engine for fiction. To find yourself displaced, whether self-imposed or inflicted by a state, is to be simultaneously inside and outside; you gain intimate proximity to your new society while still standing at a distance from it, seeing things real insiders can’t.
~ Gal Beckerman via The Atlantic
The past is the luxury of proprietors.
~ Jean-Paul Sartre
Just breathing can be such a luxury sometimes.
~ Walter Kirn
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.
~ Che Guevara
In any great organization it is far, far safer to be wrong with the majority than to be right alone.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
Ever since time began, it’s been moving ever forward without a moment’s rest. And one of the privileges given to those who’ve avoided dying young is the blessed right to grow old.
~ Haruki Murakami