Biographies are but clothes and buttons of the man — the biography of the man himself cannot be written.
~ Mark Twain
Biographies are but clothes and buttons of the man — the biography of the man himself cannot be written.
~ Mark Twain
Once upon a time, long before smartphones or even laptops were ubiquitous, the computer mouse was new, and it was thrilling. The 1984 Macintosh wasn’t the first machine to come with one, but it was the first to popularize the gizmo for ordinary people. Proper use of the mouse was not intuitive. Many people had a hard time moving and clicking at the same time, and “double-clicking” was a skill one had to learn. Still, anyone could put a hand on the thing, move it around on a table, and see the results on-screen: A little cursor moved along with you.
~ Ian Bogost via The Atlantic
There is not an idea that cannot be expressed in 200 words. But the writer must know precisely what he wants to say.
~ Eric Hoffer
Thought is the property of him who can entertain it, and of him who can adequately place it.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thoughts left unsaid are never wasted.
~ Henry S. Haskins
A world dominated by the technologies of industrial society is fundamentally more detrimental than beneficial to human happiness and survival.
~ Kirkpatrick Sale
In their anti-learning culture, conservatives have come to view everything that happens, however unwelcome, as proof simply that the most extreme people were the most correct.
~ David Frum via The Atlantic