It is only because the majority opinion will always be opposed by some that our knowledge and understanding progress.
~ Friedrich Hayek
It is only because the majority opinion will always be opposed by some that our knowledge and understanding progress.
~ Friedrich Hayek
From the saintly and single-minded idealist to the fanatic is often but a step.
~ Friedrich Hayek
Once wide coercive powers are given to governmental agencies for particular purposes, such powers cannot be effectively controlled by democratic assemblies.
~ Friedrich Hayek
The successful use of competition as the principle of social organization precludes certain types of coercive interference with economic life, but it admits of others which sometimes may very considerably assist its work and even requires certain kinds of government action. But there is good reason why the negative requirements, the points where coercion must not be used, have been particularly stressed.
~ Friedrich Hayek
The gradual transformation of a rigidly organized hierarchic system into one where men could at least attempt to shape their own life, where man gained the opportunity of knowing and choosing between different forms of life, is closely associated with the growth of commerce.
~ Friedrich Hayek