The longer one lives in this world, the more tempting it becomes to escape, and to disappear.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
The longer one lives in this world, the more tempting it becomes to escape, and to disappear.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
The imagination is not a talent of some people but is the health of everyone.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The church that Joseph Smith set about building was almost achingly American. He held up the Constitution as a quasi-canonical work of providence. He published a new sacred text, the Book of Mormon, that centered on Jesus visiting the ancient Americas. He even taught that God had brought about the American Revolution so that his Church could be restored in a free country—thus linking Mormonism’s success to that of the American experiment. And yet, almost as soon as Smith started attracting converts, they were derided as un-American.
~ McKay Coppins via The Atlantic
The divine is everywhere, even in a grain of sand.
~ Caspar David Friedrich
There is a limit to the time assigned you, and if you don’t use it to free yourself it will be gone and never return.
~ Marcus Aurelius