Quote, Unquote

No one disputes that Bannon is very smart. He sweeps in information quickly, has a file-cabinet memory, can keep multiple tabs open in his brain. It’s how he uses his brain that horrifies people—and I’m talking not just about Democrats, but about many of his former colleagues, who see in him a disordered, nefarious kind of brilliance.
~ Jennifer Senior via The Atlantic


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University of Wisconsin – Green Bay


Quote, Unquote

Worcester Polytechnic is a STEM-focused research university, and its curriculum emphasizes project-based learning: Students train toward junior- and senior-year projects that involve real-life impact, like developing a low-cost device to feed premature infants; or running analyses of the distribution system for Panama’s national water authority to identify opportunities to minimize shortages. Robots the size of small coolers on wheels scuttle around the quads delivering food to students in their dorms or labs.
~ Jordan Kisner via The New York Times Magazine
