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Do not think that one has to be sad in order to be militant, even though the thing one is fighting is abominable.
― Michel Foucault
Robert F. Kennedy’s outspoken position on vaccine safety has revealed—and also helped drive—the GOP-ification of the anti-vax position. Until just a few years ago, vaccine skepticism was nonpartisan. It was associated both with a hippie approach to health, which chiefly appealed to affluent lefties, and with the doctrine of political liberty, which appealed more to conservatives.
~ Derek Thompson
via RFK Jr. Is a Bellwether
published by The Atlantic
via The New York Times:
D.E.I. Official at University of Michigan Is Fired Over Antisemitism Claim, Lawyer Says
by Stephanie Saul and Vimal Patel
published on December 12, 2024
In its exclusion of links, minimization of text, and encouragement of gauzy filters, Instagram turns every smartphone into its own little Silver Pavilion, through which the user can both cultivate a world and blot out what they don’t wish to see.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
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Conversation is an art in which a person has all humanity for their competitors, for it is that which all are practising every day while they live.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The highest perfection of politeness is only a beautiful edifice, built, from the base to the dome, of ungraceful and gilded forms of charitable and unselfish lying.
~ Mark Twain