Some very considerable part of the gestural language of public places that had once belonged to cigarettes now belongs to phones.
~ William Gibson
Some very considerable part of the gestural language of public places that had once belonged to cigarettes now belongs to phones.
~ William Gibson
Civilization as we know it is inseparable from urban life.
~ Friedrich Hayek
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
~ J.D. Salinger
Europe is different. Europeans are mostly not aware that they have been enlisted in a project that has as its end point the extinction of France, Germany, Italy and the rest of Europe’s historic nations as meaningful political units. Brussels has been able to win assent to its project only by concealing its nature. Europe’s younger generation appears to have seen through the dissembling. We are only at the beginning of the consequences.
~ Christopher Caldwell via The New York Times
In the autumn of 1929 the mightiest of Americans were, for a brief time, revealed as human beings.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
The problem with overstuffed to-do lists isn’t just the total time required to execute their contents, but the fact that each new commitment generates its own ongoing administrative demands—emails, chats, check-in calls, “quick” meetings. That’s the overhead tax. Before long, knowledge workers find themselves spending the bulk of their time talking about work instead of actually doing it.
~ Cal Newport via The Atlantic
The protocols and norms that emerged in the aftermath of 18th-century revolutions — the inviolability of private property, the abstract idea of the rights-bearing individual, the fiscal-military nation-state — are today under attack as forms of privilege themselves.
~ Rebecca L. Spang via The Atlantic
The post-liberal university is defined by a combination of moneymaking and activism. Perhaps the biggest difference between 1968 and 2024 is that the ideas of a radical vanguard are now the instincts of entire universities—administrators, faculty, students. They’re enshrined in reading lists and codes of conduct and ubiquitous clichés.
~ George Packer via The Atlantic
When you see reference to a new paradigm you should always, under all circumstances, take cover. Because ever since the great tulipmania in 1637, speculation has always been covered by a new paradigm.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
I don’t care what the editor likes or dislikes, I care what the people like.
~ Mickey Spillane