The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool.
~ George Santayana
The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool.
~ George Santayana
Educators have yet to realize how deeply the industrial system is dependent upon them.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.
~ Peter Drucker
There is only one valid definition of a business purpose: to create a customer.
~ Peter Drucker
Throughout most of history, religious institutions were able to impose pro-fertility norms. But the causal relationship is reciprocal and the dominant direction can be reversed: if pro-fertility norms come to be seen as outmoded and repressive, their rejection also brings rejection of religion.
~ Ronald Inglehart
The creator of the new composition in the arts is an outlaw until he is a classic.
~ Gertrude Stein
The United States of America can implode under external pressure and its own grave contradictions, or it can be reimagined and repurposed.
~ Rebecca L. Spang via The Atlantic
We are here just for a spell and then pass on. So get a few laughs and do the best you can. Live your life so that whenever you lose it, you are ahead.
~ Will Rogers
What happens on the imperial level also happens at the local level, within the United States and the Western European societies that make the rules of globalization. Non-technocrats, whether they are the resentful members of the old working class or just people wisecracking about the progressive pieties of corporate human resource managers, are not going to be permitted to tangle up the system with their demands.
~ Christopher Caldwell
via This Maverick Thinker Is the Karl Marx of Our Time
published by The New York Times on November 28, 2024
The right always knows how to exploit the excesses of the left. It happened in 1968, when the campus takeovers and the street battles between anti-war activists and cops at the Democratic convention in Chicago helped elect Richard Nixon. Republican politicians are already exploiting the chaos on campuses. This summer, the Democrats will gather again in Chicago, and the activists are promising a big show. Donald Trump will be watching.
~ George Packer via The Atlantic