Expending energy trying to motivate people is largely a waste of time.
~ Jim Collins, Good to Great
Author Archives: James Patrick Tedrow
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Any institution is only a political structure. In physics and in morals, the laws are the same; you cannot build a large structure on a narrow foundation, nor a durable structure on a moving or transient base. In the political order, therefore, if one wants to build on a large scale and for the centuries, one must rely on an opinion, on a large and profound belief. For if this opinion does not dominate a majority of minds and if it is not deeply rooted, it will furnish only a narrow and transient base.
~ Joseph de Maistre
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An expert is a person who has found out by his own painful experience all the mistakes that one can make in a very narrow field.
~ Niels Bohr
Midday Music Fix
Jan Hammer – Miami Vice Theme
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Only the absurd could have any bearing on reality.
~ Edmund Cooper
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A little group of wise hearts is better than a wilderness full of fools.
~ John Ruskin
Midday Music Fix
Outkast – Hey Ya!
J.P. Tedrow here. Like Outkast? I very much enjoyed reading Dirty South: Outkast, Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, and the Southern Rappers Who Reinvented Hip-Hop by Ben Westhoff. The book was published by Chicago Review Press back in May 2011. It’s a good read. I recommend this book.
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There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.
~ Ansel Adams
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I see no limit to the capabilities of machines. As microchips get smaller and faster, I can see them getting better than we are. I can visualize a time in the future when we will be to robots as dogs are to humans.
~ Claude Shannon
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A constitution that is made for all nations is made for none; it is a pure abstraction, an academic exercise made according to some hypothetical ideal, which should be addressed to man in his imaginary dwelling place.
~ Joseph de Maistre