Politics is not an exact science.
~ Otto von Bismarck
Politics is not an exact science.
~ Otto von Bismarck
The liberal arts inarguably make this world a better place. More students should be intellectually curious about history, literature, and ethics. But technical training and acquiring credentials for the job market have a place as well. There’s no reason trade schools need to fight the liberal arts in a zero-sum game. We need to think through how we create more and better of both opportunities.
~ Ben Sasse via The Atlantic
If spring came but once in a century, instead of once a year, or burst forth with the sound of an earthquake, and not in silence, what wonder and expectation there would be in all hearts to behold the miraculous change.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
To govern men, you must either excel them in their accomplishments, or despise them.
~ Benjamin Disraeli
For we carry our fate with us — and it carries us.
~ Marcus Aurelius
Most ancient pagan belief systems were built around ritual and magic, coercive practices intended to achieve a beneficial result. They centered the self. The revolutionary contribution of monotheism was its insistence that the principal concern of God is, instead, how people treat one another.
~ David Wolpe via The Atlantic
Every man would like to possess all the women in the world, but a woman only wants the man she loves and to whom she is faithful.
~ Elfriede Jelinek
The dignity of his office is never impaired by the absence of efforts on his part to maintain it.
~ Charles Dickens
There’s nothing harder in the world than making art, particularly when no one understands it.
~ Gustave Courbet
A stable economic system requires two components: growth and inclusivity. Economic growth matters because most people want their lives to improve every year.
~ Sam Altman