A stable economic system requires two components: growth and inclusivity. Economic growth matters because most people want their lives to improve every year.
~ Sam Altman
A stable economic system requires two components: growth and inclusivity. Economic growth matters because most people want their lives to improve every year.
~ Sam Altman
Logic may indeed be unshakeable, but it cannot withstand a man who is determined to live.
~ Franz Kafka
Religions get lost as people do.
~ Franz Kafka
We have a crisis of leadership in America because our overwhelming power and wealth, earned under earlier generations of leaders, made us complacent, and for too long we have been training leaders who only know how to keep the routine going. Who can answer questions, but don’t know how to ask them. Who can fulfill goals, but don’t know how to set them. Who think about how to get things done, but not whether they’re worth doing in the first place.
~ William Deresiewicz
The cultivation — even celebration — of victimhood by intellectuals, tort lawyers, politicians and the media is both cause and effect of today’s culture of complaint.
~ George Will
Full in-boxes and endless meetings are not intrinsic parts of office work in a digital world; they’re instead a response to an unexpected crisis that subsequently spiralled out of control. The turmoil in knowledge work following the arrival of the pandemic showed the unsustainability of this state of affairs.
~ Cal Newport via The New Yorker
You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.
~ Cormac McCarthy
Indifference to the fine arts comes close to barbarism.
~ Karl Friedrich Schinkel
Self-government makes high demands of its citizens. Today’s students will be called to lead in a complicated world where not everyone will agree, where trade-offs will be necessary, where basic values inform the work of navigating complex realities. The current illiberal climate on campuses is the kind of tragedy that could doom a republic. We cannot let that happen.
~ Ben Sasse via The Atlantic
Divine madness enters more or less into all our noblest undertakings.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow