Via FAO Stat
- Nepal
- Russian
- Canada
- Myanmar
- Ukraine
- United States
- China
- Kazakhstan
- Ethiopia
- Serbia
Via FAO Stat
A teacher should never do your thinking for you. She should give you texts to read and guide you along the path of making sense of them for yourself. She should introduce you to the books and essays of writers who disagree with one another and ask you to determine whose case is better.
~ Caitlin Flanagan via The Atlantic
The 10 largest companies on the 1985 Fortune 500 list via CNN Money:
Between 1975 and 1985, three companies dropped out of the Fortune 500 Top 10: Chevron; Gulf Oil;and ITT Industries.
Via Wikipedia – the five longest passenger flights as measured by the great-circle distance circa June 2024 are:
Via FAO Stat
Via Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for the year 2022: