An expert is a person who has found out by his own painful experience all the mistakes that one can make in a very narrow field.
~ Niels Bohr
An expert is a person who has found out by his own painful experience all the mistakes that one can make in a very narrow field.
~ Niels Bohr
Only the absurd could have any bearing on reality.
~ Edmund Cooper
In the room the women come and go, talking of Michelangelo.
~ T.S. Eliot
Chemically induced hallucinations, delusions and raptures may be frightening or wonderfully gratifying; in either case they are in the nature of confidence tricks played on one’s own nervous system.
~ Arthur Koestler
There is no substitute for the comfort supplied by the utterly taken-for-granted relationship.
~ Iris Murdoch
As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think.
~ Toni Morrison
Every trouble in life is a joke compared to madness.
~ Walter Bagehot
Good design is environmentally friendly.
~ Dieter Rams
It is a mistake to interpret too literally and sweepingly the poet’s admonition that things are not what they seem. Sometimes they are, and it is often essential to survival to know when they are and when they are not.
~ Dean Acheson
I hate journalists. There is nothing in them but tittering jeering emptiness. They have all made what Dante calls the Great Refusal — that is they have ceased to be self-centered, and have given up their individuality.
~ William Butler Yeats