To understand is to forgive.
~ Blaise Pascal
Quote, Unquote
Nothing can be preserved that is not good.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Learning Object
[Twitter] @gtdguy
J. Edgar Hoover was born
on this day in 1895
John Edgar Hoover – the last Director of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) and the first ever Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – was born on this day – January 1, 1895 – in Washington, DC.
Campus Map
Amherst College
Midnight Trailer
The Gorge featuring Anya Taylor-Joy, Sigourney Weaver, and Miles Teller
Campus Life at
the University of New Hampshire
Campus Map
University of Georgia | Wikipedia | LinkedIn | YouTube
[Twitter] @universityofga
Quote, Unquote
Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.
~ Confucius
Midday Music Fix
John Oates performs ‘Maneater’
Merlin Otello here with another related book recommendation: Hall and Oates: Every Album Every Song. I purchased this as a birthday gift for my sister at Labyrinth Books when I last visted her place in New Jersey. She tells me the book made for a good read,