If one major lesson of the French Revolution is that people make history, another is that it rarely turns out as planned.
~ Rebecca L. Spang via The Atlantic
If one major lesson of the French Revolution is that people make history, another is that it rarely turns out as planned.
~ Rebecca L. Spang via The Atlantic
For real structural change, Americans will need to look not behind them to vanished certainties but ahead to uncertain possibilities.
~ Rebecca L. Spang via The Atlantic
Revolutionary events, those that result in sustained transformations of society, are not made by strategic plan. They do not have bullet-pointed deliverables and clear metrics of success. If they did, they would be business as usual, not a revolution.
~ Rebecca L. Spang via The Atlantic
The most timeless and emancipatory lesson of the French Revolution is that people make history.
~ Rebecca L. Spang via The Atlantic
Revolutions happen when the distinct concerns of many different groups are for a time more or less soldered together—and this coming together is not planned in advance, but produced largely by chance.
~ Rebecca L. Spang via The Atlantic