The power of the periodical press is second only to that of the people.
~ Alexis de Tocqueville
The power of the periodical press is second only to that of the people.
~ Alexis de Tocqueville
Whenever I’m in the company of capitalist capitalists, I’m reminded of the stark limitations of the symbolic variety. Think of how easily Elon Musk purchased and then destroyed that vanity fair of knowledge workers formerly known as Twitter.
~ Thomas Chatterton Williams
via Is Wokeness One Big Power Grab?
published by The Atlantic
The road to the free market was opened and kept open by an enormous increase in continuous, centrally organized and controlled interventionism. To make Adam Smith’s “simple and natural liberty” compatible with the needs of a human society was a most complicated affair.
― Karl Polanyi
As Hannah Arendt observed in The Origins of Totalitarianism, political purges often serve as jobs programs.
~ Thomas Chatterton Williams
via Is Wokeness One Big Power Grab?
published by The Atlantic
The third Awokening was smaller and shorter than the others, stretching from the late ’80s to the early ’90s, and repurposing and popularizing the Marxist term political correctness. Its main legacy was to set the stage for the fourth—and present—Awokening, which has been fueled by what the scholar Peter Turchin has termed “elite overproduction.”
~ Thomas Chatterton Williams
via Is Wokeness One Big Power Grab?
published by The Atlantic
The economy as an instituted process of interaction serving the satisfaction of material wants forms a vital part of every human community. Without an economy in this sense, no society could exist for any length of time.
― Karl Polanyi
To say a situation is ‘lost’ or hopeless is in one sense equivalent to saying it is perfect, for in both cases efforts at improvement can bring no positive results.
― Mancur Olson
The nineteenth century gave birth to two sets of events of a very different order of magnitude: the machine age, a development of millennial range; and the market system, an initial adjustment to that development.
― Karl Polanyi
At the heart of the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century there was an almost miraculous improvement in the tools of production, which was accompanied by a catastrophic dislocation of the lives of the common people
― Karl Polanyi
The Fascist system has to carry on persistently the task begun by the Fascist Movement: the destruction of the democratic parties, organisations, and institutions in society. Fascism must then proceed to attempt to change the nature of human consciousness itself.
― Karl Polanyi