Zack de la Rocha was born on this day in 1967

Zack de la Rocha – best known for his work as vocalist and lyricist for Rage Against the Machine – was born on this day – January 12, 1970 – in Long Beach, California.

Dmitri O’Bannon here: I recently learned that Zack de la Rocha wrote the afterword for the upcoming book Fearless Vampire Killers: The Bad Brains Photographs by Glen E. Friedman. This book will ship on April 1, 2025.


Dominic LeBlanc was born on this day in 1967

Dominic LeBlanc – the Canadian lawyer and politician – was born on December 14, 1967 in Ottawa, Ontario.

Mr. LeBlanc serves as a Member of Canada’s Federal Parliment representing the riding of Beauséjour in the province of New Brunswick. He holds an undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Toronto, law degree from the University of New Brunswick, and a Masters of Law from Harvard University.


Brené Brown was born on this day in 1965

Brené Brown — the American academic and podcaster — was born on this day — November 18, 1965 — in San Antonio, Texas.

Ms. Brown holds a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1995, a Master of Social Work degree, and a PhD in social work at the University of Houston Graduate School of Social Work.


Michael Studeman was born on this day in 1966

Michael Studeman — the now retired American Naval Office who served as Director of Intelligence of the United States Indo-Pacific Command between July 2019 and July 2022 — was born on this day — September 10, 1966 — in Fairfax, Virginia.

He holds a B.A. from the College of William & Mary and M.A. in national security affairs from the Naval Postgraduate School.
