Art changes all the time, and when it changes, so does its history.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
Art changes all the time, and when it changes, so does its history.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
Instagram creates a disarming sense of intimacy with people you’ve never met.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
In its exclusion of links, minimization of text, and encouragement of gauzy filters, Instagram turns every smartphone into its own little Silver Pavilion, through which the user can both cultivate a world and blot out what they don’t wish to see.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
Part of the pleasure of Instagram is the way it edits out the ugly emotions that make up so much of the rest of social media.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
The longer one lives in this world, the more tempting it becomes to escape, and to disappear.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
The greatest source of fascination in our daily lives isn’t art or politics or faith, but the lives of the people around us, and those of people we’ve never met.
~ Jacob Mikanowski