Art is theft, art is armed robbery, art is not pleasing your mother.
~ Janet Malcolm
Art is theft, art is armed robbery, art is not pleasing your mother.
~ Janet Malcolm
As sleep is necessary to our physiology, so depression seems necessary to our psychic economy.
~ Janet Malcolm
Photography is a medium of inescapable truthfulness. The camera doesn’t know how to lie.
~ Janet Malcolm
It is only by a great effort that we rouse ourselves to act, to fight, to struggle, to be heard above the wind, to crush flowers as we walk.
~ Janet Malcolm
Every amateur harbors the fantasy that his work is only waiting to be discovered; a second fantasy-that the established contemporary artists must also be frauds- is a necessary corollary.
~ Janet Malcolm
The concept of privacy is a sort of screen to hide the fact that almost none is possible in a social universe.
~ Janet Malcolm