It is a mistake to interpret too literally and sweepingly the poet’s admonition that things are not what they seem. Sometimes they are, and it is often essential to survival to know when they are and when they are not.
~ Dean Acheson
It is a mistake to interpret too literally and sweepingly the poet’s admonition that things are not what they seem. Sometimes they are, and it is often essential to survival to know when they are and when they are not.
~ Dean Acheson
If I have said nothing new tonight, it may well be because, in a family of nations as in families of individuals we should expect nothing more sensational than growth.
~ Dean Acheson
Great Britain has lost an Empire and has not yet found a role.
~ Dean Acheson
The one great element in continuing the success of an offensive is maintaining the momentum.
~ George C. Marshall
The first requirement of a statesman is that he be dull.
~ Dean Acheson
I have done my best, and I hope I have sown some seeds which may bring forth good fruit.
~ George C. Marshall
I cannot afford the luxury of sentiment, mine must be cold logic.
~ George C. Marshall