Each of us has a unique and specific quantum of compassion that we can extend. A key element of emotional self management is to understand that if we lavish concern on every stray cat that crosses our path, we will quickly deplete our capacity to care for the most important people in our lives and thus never get to the heart of our most important relationships.
~ Dmitri J. O’Bannon
Much of the monotony in higher education is a result of the accreditation process. Accreditation should protect students from snake-oil salesmen, but unfortunately it has become its own racket. Existing schools try to lock out potential competitors. Timidity, ideological homogeneity, and red tape are all structurally encouraged by the accreditation processes.
~ Ben Sasse via The Atlantic
Since we do not have a national consensus on what success in higher education would consist of, no matter what happens, some sizable part of the population is going to regard the situation as a disaster.
~ John Searle
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah — the British television presenter who is a regular presenter on BBC Breakfast — was born on this day February 25, 1975 — in London, England.
She is a graduate of the University of Leeds.
The history of mankind is the instant between two strides taken by a traveler.
~ Franz Kafka
Ever since time began, it’s been moving ever forward without a moment’s rest. And one of the privileges given to those who’ve avoided dying young is the blessed right to grow old.
~ Haruki Murakami
The function of freedom is to free someone else.
~ Toni Morrison
The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out the conservative adopts them.
~ Mark Twain
A real reader creates her own canon, for it consists precisely of those books that she has used to create herself.
~ William Deresiewicz