Bourgeois thought judges social phenomena conscious or unconsciously, naïvely or subtly, consistently from the standpoint of the individual. No path leads from the individual to the totality.
~ György Lukács
Bourgeois thought judges social phenomena conscious or unconsciously, naïvely or subtly, consistently from the standpoint of the individual. No path leads from the individual to the totality.
~ György Lukács
The highest degree of consciousness, the crassest form of ‘false consciousness’ always manifests itself when the conscious mastery of economic phenomena appears to be at its greatest.
~ György Lukács
Critical philosophy implies above all historical criticism. It dissolves the rigid, unhistorical, natural appearance of social institutions; it reveals their historical origins.
~ György Lukács
Philosophy is transcendental homelessness; it is the urge
to be at home everywhere.
~ György Lukács
The dialectical concept of reality as a social process dissolves the fetishistic forms produced by the capitalist mode of production and enables us to see them as mere illusions which are not less illusory for being seen to be necessary.
~ György Lukács