Microsoft Says It Has Created a New State of Matter to Power Quantum Computers

via The New York Times:

Microsoft Says It Has Created a New State of Matter to Power Quantum Computers
by Cade Metz

published on February 19, 2025

Pull Quote

“Microsoft’s quantum technology could leapfrog the methods under development at Google. As part of its research, the company built multiple topological qubits inside a new kind of computer chip that combines the strengths of the semiconductors that power classical computers with the superconductors that are typically used to build a quantum computer.”


Quote, Unquote

It is, after all, unlikely that Rush Limbaugh always feels as jaunty and confident as he seems on the air, or that Howard Stern really is deeply fascinated by porn starlets every waking minute of the day. But a host’s persona is not the same as outright acting. For the most part, it’s probably more like the way we are all slightly different with some people than we are with others.
~ David Foster Wallace


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