I would never apologize for photographing rocks. Rocks can be very beautiful.
― Ansel Adams
I would never apologize for photographing rocks. Rocks can be very beautiful.
― Ansel Adams
The grapes in Uzbekistan are incredible fruit. They seem to have a life of their own. They’re called “the bridesmaid’s little finger,” and that’s about the size of them. They’re very long, and green, and they’re absolutely the most delicious.
~ Audre Lorde
The greatest source of fascination in our daily lives isn’t art or politics or faith, but the lives of the people around us, and those of people we’ve never met.
~ Jacob Mikanowski
Fine manners need the support of fine manners in others, and this is a gift interred only by the self.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
To put it in rude, plain, unpalatable words — true patriotism, real patriotism is: loyalty not to a family and a fiction, but a loyalty to the nation itself.
~ Mark Twain
I have to stay alone in order to fully contemplate and feel nature.
~ Caspar David Friedrich
When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil.
~ Marcus Aurelius
Analytical clarity is always the precursor to rhetorical clarity.
~ Louis A. Feuerbach
Wealth is not without its advantages, and the case to the contrary, although it has often been made, has never proved widely persuasive.
~ John Kenneth Galbraith
I daresay anything can be made holy by being sincerely worshipped.
~ Iris Murdoch