Midday Music Fix
Campus Life at the
University Of Chicago
Campus Map
Swansea University
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[Tweets with Visual Impact]
Quote, Unquote
The wisest of all, in my opinion, is he who can, if only once a month, call himself a fool — a faculty unheard of nowadays.
~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Learning Object
via Birkbeck UoL
Social Constructionism
Campus Map
UC San Diego
www.ucsd.edu | Wikipedia | LinkedIn | YouTube
[Twitter] @UCSanDiego
[Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/ucsandiego/
[Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/UCSanDiego/
[TikTok] https://www.tiktok.com/@ucsandiego
Campus Trivia Night
America’s 10 largest companies in 1990
The 10 largest companies on the 1990 Fortune 500 list via CNN Money:
- General Motors
- Ford
- Exxon
- International Business Machinges
- General Electric
- Mobile
- Altria Group
- Chrysler
- DuPont
- Texaco
Between 1980 and 1990 – three companies dropped out of the top 10: Chevron; Gulf Oil; and Amoco.
Five American Business Schools with Interesting Wikipedia Entries
- W. Paul Stillman School of Business
at Seton Hall University - Columbia Business School
at Columbia University - Fuqua School of Business
at Duke University - Farmer School of Business
at Miami University in Ohio - Meinders School of Business
at Oklahoma City University
Midnight Trailer
Betty La Fea: The Story Continues – Official Trailer